Cindy Sheehan was flown down to Venezuela, courtesy of the dictator Hugo Chavez. She is participating in an anti-American orgy, where as you can see they celebrate communism. Could you imagine someone beloved by a major political party going to a Nazi rally (besides Senator Robert "Kleagle" Byrd)? Of course not, but communism gets a pass, and the media and Democrats still adore Cindy Sheehan and her traitorous actions.
Reuters - Tue Jan 24, 12:34 PM ET
People walk past a mural promoting the World Social Forum in Caracas January 24, 2006. Tens of thousands of international activists gathered for the World Social Forum to protest against U.S. imperialism and debate topics from fair trade to indigenous rights. The sixth world forum, an event that began in Port Alegre in Brazil, has registered more than 67,000 participants and starts with a march against imperialism and war that will likely focus on U.S. George W. Bush and the conflict in Iraq. REUTERS/Jorge Silva 
AP - Tue Jan 24, 6:47 PM ET
American peace activist Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, participates in an anti- war march that kicked off the sixth World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)