German Chancellor Angela Merkel smiles after she delivered her speech at the German lower house of parliament Bundestag in Berlin December 4, 2008.REUTERS/Johannes Eisele (GERMANY)
Because Angie Deserves It
German Chancellor and Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader Angela Merkel stands behind the chair of Hesse's Prime Minister Roland Koch as she inspects the CDU party convention hall in Stuttgart November 30, 2008. In the run-up to the CDU party congress Merkel has come under increasing pressure from fellow conservatives like German Economy Minister Michael Glos to lower taxes and lend support to the economy, which is now in recession.REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach(GERMANY)
German Chancellor Angela Merkel holds flowers after her re-election as Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader, during the first day of the CDU party meeting in Stuttgart December 1, 2008. Merkel said on Monday her government would not take part in any "senseless" competition to find ways of spending billions of euros to boost flagging economic growth.REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach(GERMANY)